Wednesday 8 May 2013


Now I have all my pages finished and in order I need to start printing my book.
I made my book into a PDF document using indesign, and then started looking at print companies.

I wanted to take some of my books to London Book Fair to show off my work, so cost was going to be an issue if I was going to give them away to people. I decided to have my books printed A5 - half the size I had originally intended - to save on cost, and make some full sized versions myself.

I had been looking at using Inky Little Fingers, however I found a company called that offered faster printing at a lower price so in the end I chose to use them. 
When my books arrived I was really pleased, they were really nice quality and perfect to take to London Book Fair. I did, however, decide to round the corners of the pages using my corner cutter so that they would match my postcards that I was taking. It took a while to cut them, but it did give my books a special touch and matched my other promotional items. 

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