Wednesday 8 May 2013


My project has changed dramatically since I started. It has been a long, and at times incredibly tough, project that I think has really challenged me but I am pleased with my finished work. 

Looking at my finished book there are a few things I would like to adjust, but overall I am incredibly pleased with it, and excited for where it might take me next. 
I do want to change the font slightly, although I like it being collaged I do think that I should have a mix of uppercase and lower case letters and a question mark on the title and second page. I chose my font because of how it looked on the page, however I didn't take into account that the age group I am targeting my book towards are just starting to learn to read, and therefore correct use of punctuation and capital letters are an important thing to teach them.

I also wish that I had given myself more time at the end of the project to bind my full-sized book. I had my mini books printed in plenty of time, however once these were done the majority of my time was spend concentrating on my other projects, and I did not allocate enough time to get my A4 book bound to a standard that I am happy with. I can, and will, re-print and bind my book full size giving more time and thought to the process, but I am disappointed that I didn't get a full sized copy that is a quality I am happy with in time for the end of my project.

The most challenging part of this project was putting all the different parts together to create a final image for each page. I have always concentrated on the character and/or main focus of the page in other projects, and I really struggle to create suitable backgrounds for them. The style I used for my book is fairly new to me. Although I have been collaging characters for a while, the technique of collaging painted paper for a background is something I only really started doing for my Olio project just before christmas, however I really enjoyed working this way and it is something I will continue to do. 
When I was planning out my pages I really struggled to imagine what the finished page would look like using this technique, and so I did need to experiment with it a little first. Once I had a few pages finished I found this much easier, and the design of my book came together quickly after this point.

Overall I am really pleased with how this project has turned out. It is nothing like I had imagined at the beginning, but I have developed a new style of working that I think suits my work well, and have also got some really positive feedback from some publishing companies. 
I will continue to adapt the book a little now the project has finished, and I will also try to make and bind a better quality copy, but I am really pleased with how my book has turned out at the end.
I think that despite the struggles and challenges I have an end product that I am pleased with.

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