Wednesday 5 December 2012

Paint and Collage

I decided to experiment with the different levels of collage and paint in my work. Originally I had planned to just collage the characters and keep the background painted, however I wanted to find out how effective using collage in small areas of the background was. For another project I had been doing this year I collaged the main focus of the page and used a plain painted background, however although this works with a very simple background I didn't think this would be effective for a page with scenery behind the character.

I started with a sketch I had used in my storyboard of my character standing amongst some flowers. This was a fairly simple composition to experiment with, as the flowers were the only things in the background.

I collaged the figure, and added in small amounts of collage in the background such as a few of the flowers or some of the plant stems. I like this effect and think I will carry on working in this way, however I need to adjust the colours of this image so that the figure is the main focus and the viewer is not distracted by the bright colours of the flowers. I also need to neaten up the painted parts of the image, as the paint has run slightly in certain areas. 

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