Tuesday 2 October 2012

Scenery and Details

Generally in my work, I spend the majority of my time and ideas on the characters and main focus, with the background and scenery being an afterthought. Because of this, i decided to start looking at scenery early on in my project, by breaking it down into individual sections.

A page from my sketchbook with notes on the various natural layers in woodland areas

 Since a great deal of the animals I have drawn so far have been woodland creatures, I decided this was a good place to start my research. First I looked at how woodland can be split into different layers - tall tree canopy, shrub layer, field layer and ground layer - and then I looked which plants fit into which layer.

I had been drawing a lot of hedgehogs, and so I decided to research their diet, habitat and lifestyle too. Hedgehogs eat mainly insects, and I decided to start painting some insects you would find in a woodland habitat

This research obviously still has a way to go, but it should be incredibly useful in helping me plan out an accurate and well thought out scene in which to put my characters.
I also need to look into other settings - eg. jungle, icy, underwater... - in which the other animals I have been drawing could live

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